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Examination Committee

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Examination Committee

The University shall have an Examination Committee which shall be chaired by the Vice Chancellor. The Controller of Examination shall be the Member Secretary. The composition of other members, the power and the functions of the Examination Committee shall be specified in the Regulations framed by the Academic Council.

Two third members will form the quorum of the meeting. There will be at least one meeting of the Examination Committee in each semester. The decisions of the Examination Committee shall be placed before the Academic Council.


To conduct Internal Assessment and External Assessment Examination related all work as per University notifications and ordinance.

Functions of the Examination Committee shall be:

• To frame detailed guidelines and procedures for an efficient, transparent and fair evaluation of student’s performance and conduct of examinations as well as for tabulators/programmers for preparing the results of the examinations.
• To supervise generally all the examinations of the University and issue such directions as it may consider necessary for conduct of examinations.
• To review from time to time the results of the University examinations and submission of reports thereon to the Academic Council.
• To make recommendations to the Academic Council for improvement of the examination system.
• To appoint such number of sub-committees as it may think fit, and in particular, may delegate to any one or more persons or sub-committee(s), its powers to deal with examination matters.
• To consider the complaints received against Officers and Staff engaged for conduct of examinations and recommend to the Vice Chancellor about the action to be taken against the concerned person(s).
• To consider and recommend the rates of remuneration for the Examiners, Superintendents of Examination Centers and other staff engaged on examination duty, Tabulators and Collators etc. associated with the examination duty.
• To consider any written report/ representation/complaints received within seven days after completion of the examination regarding setting up of question paper etc. along with specific recommendations of the Examination Sub-Committees of Departments/Constituent Units and to recommend for consideration of the Vice Chancellor the action to be taken against any examiner/ paper-setter/moderator in cases of mistakes/ omissions/ negligence/ leakage in paper-setting/ moderation/ evaluation etc.,
• To investigate the cases of understandable divergence in the results of any Course Unit. For this purpose, the Examination Committee may itself scrutinize the answer books or may order their scrutiny by other person(s), and may also call an explanation from the examiner concerned for the divergence of marks. If after the investigation, the Committee is of the opinion that such divergence is due to leakage of paper, personal favoritism or animosity, it may recommend to the Vice Chancellor such action as it may deem fit such as debar the examiner/evaluator from examiner ship permanently or for a specified period, revaluation of the answer books etc.
• The Examination Committee shall put up notice inviting students to have the exam form collected and returned in due time.
• The Examination Committee shall prepare relevant time tables of the university examinations.
• The Examination Committee shall make the Block and Seating Arrangement and display them on the concerned Notice Board/Website and Blocks.
• Though the teaching faculty is entitled to vacation if eligible, it is expected that they are available for examination duty at least for two weeks. Hence they shall give their vacation preference dates to the Exam Committee in the specified format.
• The Examination Committee shall prepare and display an overall Supervision Duty List as well as Daily Supervision Duty List on the Notice board.
• The Examination Committee shall ensure that adequate stationery, like answer sheets, drawing sheets, charts, graph paper, drawing boards, trays, threads, water jugs etc. are made available.
• The Examination Committee shall hold a pre-exam meeting to brief the members of faculty with regard to the examination procedures and the role and responsibilities of invigilators, observer, flying squad and examination superintendent.
• Committee should collect examiners names for assessment and moderation of each subject from respective HODs.
• The Exam cell in consultation with the COE shall contact members of the panel (provided by the HOD) and shall prepare the list of the Examiners depending upon their availability.
• All the results (First Semester to Final Semester) shall be displayed on the respective student Notice Boards/University Website.
• Under the guidance of the COE, the Exam Cell shall analyses the exam results and the same shall be verified by the respective members of examination cell. After due verification, copies of the result analysis shall be sent to concerned officers of the university.
• Preparation of smooth conduct of Examinations, preparation of time table schedules, Invigilation duty chart, Seat allotment in the Examination halls etc.
• To conduct Internal Assessment examination as per academic calendar.
• Any Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received by the CUJ are processed in the Examination Cell, reply thereof prepared and after COE’s signature dispatched or circulates to the concerned Departments / Students.